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You run to the place where you saw the gold, and come across a small stream. These labours have made you quite thirsty, and you bend down to drink.

A shrill sound catches your attention. You look at the ground and see a tiny bird. It appears to have fallen out of its nest.

"Oh, you poor thing," you say, lifting the bird carefully. You notice a nest in the branches of a tree next to you. You stand on your heels and strech your hand to put the bird back into the nest, but you are suddenly holding air.

You stare for a while at your empty hand, then search the ground around you. The bird has disappeared!

Suddenly you hear a clear, sonorous voice, resembling the neigh that startled the fawn,

"Well, you sure are curious enough. Or maybe stubborn."

Turn to see


Copyright(c) 2003 Ekaterina Romanova. All Rights Reserved.