Adoption Waters


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You walk slightly away from the wide place where you drank and reach a small, lake-like part of the river. The water seems to boil, but you look closer and see those are just water elementals buzzing around.

"The rules," begins Kaytara, "are these: You must have a webpage which has to be water designed, or the elementals will die. When you get your elemental, you have to E-mail the owner of this site. These elementals are adopted as adults, since they are too helpless to survive as babies, but you can watch their own babies grow.


On the webpage, you have to include each elemental's name, gender, and also a link to this site.


On breeding: with these you don't have to bond yours with another element owner, you can just adopt a male and a female, E-mail Kat that you want yours to breed, and wait for the babies!


You can adopt up to three elementals, as they are very social creatures, but this is what I recommend: adopt a male and a female, so you can keep one baby afterwards."

















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