Adopted Pegasi


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This place is totally awesome! It's full of Pegasi!



A beautiful blue-maned, golden-winged Avicorn soars above you at the speed of light.


"Avico, she and the those two other pegasi are from Skyhaven."


Another pegasus.


"That's Silverwind."


And still more.


"And that's Sun Raider."




Suddenly it's dark and rain is hitting your face. Cold wind is blowing your hair into your eyes, and you can't see. But then it stops as abruptly as it had appeared. You see a blue-black pegasus standing in front of you.

The pegasus is awfully black in colour, but as it begins to take off back into the air, lightning shoots out of its wings. As it flies away you hear the deep noise of a thunderstorm.


"That pegasus is named Stormweaver, due to his ability to create storms. He's also from the Skyhaven."



You see a strangely coloured pegasus - she has a pink body and wings, and sky blue mane and tail.


"This is Esolitte, from the Pet Store." 




You walk on and enter a familiar glade.

"Is that Siapeg here yet?" you ask.

"Yep," Kaytara nods 'brightly', "In case you've forgotten, his name is Shador, and he's a Siapeg, from the Zykiox realm. Well, he's much bigger than before. And he's lightning quick."


You tread into a familiar meadow and see a horse-like creature grazing on it. Its head dashes up at the sound of your footsteps, and for one whole tenth of a second you observe its grace and beauty before it dashes out of sight.



Kaytara makes a shrill whistling noise that you already know has something to do with his original language. For a few seconds there is no respond, then something dashes out of the clouds above and slowly lands back onto the ground.


The creature is wary of you, but does not flee. It tries to graze, but shoots its head up to glance at you every few seconds/ You finally get a chance to observe him.


He is milk-white, with silvery hooves and bright blue stripes on his hindquarters. He hasn't got his horn yet, but has grown wings with sky-blue feathers and a mane.


You slowly walk towards his stat table, a flat stone with a large piece of paper that has writing on it.



Stat Table


Name: Shador

Gender: Male

Birthdate: 5th Nov. 2003

Stage: Colt

Colour: White and blue

Species: Zykiox

Type: Siapeg

Mate/playmate: None



Siapegs are very shy creatures, rarely seen as they dash two and fro around the clouds.  Only breeders certain about a Siapeg's appearance, generally nothing is known except that they have a horn on the forehead and feathered wings.



You stare onto the stats table blankly. Something in the writing is different, and it's not the change in the 'stage' section. You run your eyes over the parchment again, and spot it: 'Mate/Playmate: None.'


There was also a TeriCorn from the land of Takooietan. Shador's mate called Moonstone.

"What happened to Moonstone?" you ask. Kaytara says,

"The land of Takooietan has disappeared, and he could no longer continue his development."

You nod your head sadly.




Copyright(c) 2003 Ekaterina Romanova. All Rights Reserved.