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You follow Kaytara onto a dimly lighted glade. Lots of puppies chase each other, fight, pull each other's ears, and do other things necessary for growing up.


"Note that you can also adopt dark wolves at the Blackbark Forests. Well, the rules for these are more or less normal: you must have a proper webpage, have to care for them and E-mail Kat with your name and wolf's page's URL once you put one of the wolf puppies onto your site and it becomes viewable.


On the wolf's page you have to include its name and gender (which you can decide), a visible and working link to this site, plus a note if you want, or don't want to breed you wolf.


If you want to breed your grown up wolf, E-mail Kat, and she'll help you find a match you seek.


Now adopt one... repeat; one puppy from the adoptions below, 'save it as' on your computer and put it onto your site. Then e-mail Kat."




















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